Face to Face
2022年2月15日 - 2月28日
“As relationships grow and deepen, to a point where I lose myself, the borders separating the others and I start to dismantle.”
People meet and part to form relations. To Moonassi, the repetitive interactions arise from relationships are just like scenes laid out in a pantomime, which do not need specific explanation or description. Rather than forcing an explanation or meaning to these interactions, he chooses to focus on what the protagonists formulate on stage just as how his paintings capture the moment and actuality of interactions.
Relationships are abstract and difficult to define in one word. Sensations of the body on the other hand, seem honest and clear. The body in this sense is often the channel to materialize the intangible. The converging and diverging movements are represented by the curvy lines, the sunlight forms perfectly white planes and the shadows construct dark planes. Together they create a sense of diversity and tranquility. The gaze and body gestures encompass his world view. The infinite shifting presence, emotions and questions for relationships touch us profoundly through the dark ink strokes. Hundreds and thousands of countless intricate lines depict borders between oneself and the others, which remind us of the uncertainties in relationships.
Moonassi centers his thoughts around relationships yet avoids defining it, neither does he demand answers from the viewers. The artist simply hopes to emphasize the physical sensations rather than on the ambiguous and immaterial borders of intimacy. He is simply telling the story of relationships as they are.
“I want to first focus on the sound, contact and visual joy I feel, rather than on the fear of the intangible and invisible heart to heart connection when I meet you. I think this makes our relationship and encounter slightly lighter.”
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